On 23 October 2018, Union Syndicale wants to focus on the fight against psychological harassment at work, one of its priorities.
We invite you to relay this action in your various assignments, in order to fight against this scourge!
Union Syndicale federates a large proportion of the trade unions present in the European institutions and international organisations and represents all staff working for the European Public Service (PES), without distinction as to nationality, creed, political opinion, rank or status.
The fight against harassment is one of our priorities.
Despite the existing mechanisms in the various affiliated organisations, we observe overall unsatisfactory treatment of the cases submitted and an unconvincing transition from theory to practice. Our Congress in Dubrovnik (May 2015) decided to address this issue. In response to the request made at this Congress, Union Syndicale has set up a working group, which is currently carrying out substantive work to propose rules to improve the handling of harassment complaints. On a daily basis, we remain attentive to our colleagues in the various affiliated organisations and do not hesitate, at the federal level, to take legal action when justified, even against high-ranking figures.
This day was launched at the initiative of IPSO European Central Bank.